Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Resiliance, the Adversity Quotent & Personal Effectiveness Percentage

Subconsciously, we have a belief in ourselves, let's call this the "Adversity" quotient and represents the degree to which we believe we can deal with whatever reality throws at us. This quotient is our collected experience in how we have fared in dealing with reality in this and the most recent lifetimes. 

This can be represented mathematically as a variable between +/- 10, or even better a negative or positive percentage, that relates our ability to deal with adversity and our belief in ourselves in relation to reality. Reality, and everything that happens to us, is completely objective. Thus, what we believe we are experiencing as external events effecting us are really our internal beliefs being triggered by external events, resolving to the very real statement: "Everything is inside of us." 

We can even create a set of tests and create a science out of the Adversity Quotient and scientifically explore the best ways to remove our limiting beliefs, false beliefs, and become far more effective in reality. And effectiveness is the goal.

Along with the Adversity Quotient, we can have a Personal Effectiveness % which relays our effectiveness in achieving what we desire, and our effectiveness in reality. In addition, I'm very interested in happiness and life satisfaction. Budha suggested detachment from desire is the key to happiness, I'm not sure his reasoning is correct. Wouldn't satisfying this desire be the goal? Maybe, maybe not. But it's certainly worth studying. 

And more specifically, we can ascertain once and for all what is the best way to achieve personal satisfaction and happiness. My guess is it's highly correlated to our belief in our own personal effectiveness. What is my personal effectiveness percentage? What's the average of Man, and as importantly, what's the average of highly successful people? What percentage does an individual require achieving to become Independent and fully self-reliant?

The Purpose of This Blog

This Blog is for my Future Self, my next self, my future incarnation. I want his lifetime to be much better than what I've experienced, and I also want him to know about my life, how it's went, so he can understand me. I also want to teach him so his learning curve is so much more better than mine. So he can get started right away and thrive, not going through the mess I've been in this lifetime.

Everything will be going in this Blog, SPiritual Truths, Auto-Biographial stuff, my ascension journey, How to think about reality, Philosophy, I am educating my future self and anyone else who'd enjoy learning adbanced concepts, and not having to subject themselves to the irrationalism of this world.